Illustration of DNA strands and human silhouettes symbolizing personalized healthcare and genetic uniqueness.

Transformative Health Awaits You

The Epigenetic Empowerment Program

A New Horizon in Personalized Health

Your search for lasting health changes isn’t just a wish—it’s a journey you deserve to embark upon with the most personal and informed care available. The Epigenetic Empowerment Program at ENERGIA VITA is not just a service; it’s a partnership where your deepest health aspirations are acknowledged and addressed with precision and empathy.

Understanding Your Unique Health Narrative

Chronic and degenerative diseases can make you feel as though your body has turned against you. The struggle goes beyond physical symptoms—it’s an emotional and psychological battle. We recognize this. That’s why our program doesn’t just offer solutions; it offers understanding. Through genomic testing and in-depth analysis, we uncover the silent stories your DNA tells, crafting a response that speaks directly to your individual needs.

Advanced Genomic Testing: A Gateway to Personalization

Embark on a scientific exploration with our ‘DNA360’ and Nutrigenomix testing—a comprehensive assessment that unveils your genetic predispositions. It’s not just about identifying risks; it’s about empowering choices, informed by your body’s unique genetic language.

Crafting Your Health Blueprint

Your journey with us begins with a thorough health and wellness history intake. Joseph Trevors, a leader in the field of functional nutrition, takes you through a process of discovery—setting the stage for a transformation that’s as unique as your DNA.

Nurturing Your Transformation

From the very first consultation, we’re invested in nurturing your path to wellness. Our team, seasoned in nutritional science and empathetic coaching, becomes your personal health concierge, dedicated to translating your genetic insights into actionable, everyday strategies.

Weekly Touchpoints for Lifelong Change

Consistency breeds success. Our program ensures weekly touchpoints, providing not just motivation, but a cornerstone for accountability. We’re here to celebrate your milestones, to adjust the course as needed, and to support you in weaving your new habits into the fabric of your life.

A Commitment to Your Future

We delve into the intricate dance between your genes and lifestyle, revealing how they conspire to affect your well-being. This isn’t a temporary fix but an investment in your future—a future where your health story is rewritten with you as the protagonist.

Your Investment in a Vibrant Tomorrow

We understand that the decision to invest in such a comprehensive program is significant. That’s why we offer a no-interest payment plan—because financial concerns should never be a barrier to achieving your health dreams.

Are You Ready to Reclaim Your Health?

If you’re facing chronic health issues or simply seeking to preempt future problems, let’s connect. Book a complimentary consultation with Joseph Trevors to discuss if the Epigenetic Empowerment Program is the next step in your health revolution.

Your Options Moving Forward:

This is a big decision. And, as we’ve said before, you’ve been convinced that there is absolutely nothing you can do – beyond medicating symptoms for the remainder of your time here. If you’d like to consult directly with Joe on whether or not exploring personalized health through genomic testing and epigenetic analysis, then click the button below to claim your Complimentary Consult:

If you’re ready to get started, click the link below and we’ll have your DNA Test Kits drop-shipped to you (almost anywhere in the world; direct to your doorstep). This action will also begin our exploration of your symptoms, your medical history, etc., and will open up our resources in nutrition, lifestyle, and more:

We also recognize how challenging life is, financially, these days…especially when it comes to ongoing health requirements, medications and treatments, travel, etc.

Firstly, please know that unless you’re in the local Fredericton, New Brunswick and surrounding area(s), we do all sessions via secure video through our Practice’s Portal.

Secondly, it’s still a sizeable investment in health for many. We hear you. As such, we’ve partnered in providing you an interest-free payment option (based on credit authorization and terms – but we’re covering your interest on the term you select in budgeting what’s comfortable – and making this accessible to more and more people without concern for large financial outlays).

In order to explore that option (if wishing to do so in advance of our consult or registering for the Program), click on the button below:

Orange 'humm' logo with text 'PAY IN SLICES.' and an 'APPLY NOW' button.
Spread your investment over time with humm Canada’s ‘Pay in Slices’ option*.

*Payment Options via humm currently only available in Canada, Ireland, and UK.

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